Goal Goal

  • Produce globally competitive graduates who can contribute to the general welfare of society and to mold a highly qualified and morally upright workforce united in their commitment to achieve quality education; and
  • Properly utilize resources, facilities and systems needed in the pursuit of quality education and in compliance with the requirements of CHED, DepEd, TESDA and other government agencies as well as local and international linkages.

Objectives Objectives

  • Provide opportunity for students including the marginalized to avail of quality education;
  • Develop faculty and staff through seminars, workshops, trainings, conferences and enrolment in degree and non-degree programs;
  • Give recognition and incentives to faculty, staff and students for exemplary performance;
  • Invest the funds of the College for upgrading of instruction, conduct of research, delivery of extension services towards scientific, ecological, social, and technological development for the upliftment of the quality of life; and
  • Establish linkage with the industry and with different individuals, groups as well as other mutual beneficial organizations here and abroad.